For this particular post, I’d like to
talk about what makes a bad movie, or B-Movie. The B in B-Movie can
stand for Bad, or it can refer to a B list film. Something that qualifies as a
B list film, is a film with actors you may have heard or seen before, but are
not quite world famous. The production value of these films are high in
quality, and the film has seen a straight to television, home video, or digital
download release. A B-Movie qualifies as a very low budget production,
sometimes with no more than a thousand dollar budget. Often the cast is primarily made
up of 'no name actors,' many of these actors may in fact be starting out. The
films will more often than not have some over use of sex, gore, or violence.
And they’re fantastic in their own right for that.
Film goers come in all forms of likes
and dislikes. Some people prefer only the Oscar winning films over all else,
others enjoy tracking down and viewing the hidden gems of the film industry.
Then there are those film goers who search and dig for the absolute worst of
the worst, the people who love watching movies so bad, they’re great.

the small town of "Tromaville New Jersey," little 'Mop Boy,' Melvin Ferd, was a
90 pound scrawny, weakling, wimp of a nerd. Being teased and tormented
eventually led to Melvin falling into a vat of toxic chemical waste. Soon he
underwent a transformation that made him into a hideously deformed creature of
super human size and strength.”
Does this sound appealing to you?
Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t, Troma films are not exactly for everyone. The
film has a shoe string budget, was filmed on a camera that would have been
considered high grade in the 70’s, and overuses sex and violence. However, it
was also a massive hit with young film goers, and eventually the Toxic Avenger
became the face of Troma Entertainment. But the company itself still operates
making low budget projects that seek to shock an audience rather than deliver
politically correct messages. The Toxic Avenger series, as well as several other
Troma properties, are positively loaded with nudity, blood, guts, gratuitous sex
scenes, racial and other forms of spectacularly crude humor.
Yet in spite of all of this, Troma
is a widely loved and celebrated house of independent arts. Their fans know and
love that they do all they do for the love and reaction to their shocking
entertainment. It’s so absurd and bizarre, some of the monsters, and plots they’ve
created as a studio, and some of their material I honestly cannot describe on
this post. This being because of how gross and gruesome some of their stuff is,
but also in part due to the fact that I just can’t do it justice. More
importantly though, none of it, no matter how disturbing or intense, is meant
to be taken seriously. The fans know it, they’re just in it for the laughs, and
to have a good time, and that’s what keeps classic B-Movies and their makers
Troma is just one example that I
believe to be a fantastic point to jump off and into the world of B-Movies. I
know I’ll cover more in the time to come. For now, know that people watch bad
movies for these reasons and more. It gives the audience something they can’t
see anywhere else, not even in a theater that plays multimillion dollar works from
the most famous names in Hollywood. B-Movies are there to add a little spice to
the DVD and Blu-Ray collections of film goers, they’re something that was made
for the love of the craft. B-Movies, are entertainment at its finest.
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